Matthias Baldwin Park Rules
For the good of the park and all who use it, these rules were established by the Philadelphia Parks and Recreation Department.
Park Hours: 7 am – 10 pm
The following are prohibited:
Alcoholic beverages
Bicycles, roller blades, skateboards, scooters
Motorized vehicles
Smoking or vaping
illegal substances
lighting of fires, except in a metal barbecue stand
vending, selling, or soliciting anything without written permission
tents, shelters, or camping
feeding or disturbing birds or wildlife
Littering and dumping
disposing of household or business trash in the park's trash cans
Removing plants, stones or other park property
Amplified music (i.e. music that can be heard by others)
A 10 pm curfew exists throughout the Parks and Recreation system
Dog Regulations:
Dogs must be kept on a leash no greater than six feet. No off-leash pets
Please clean up after your pet(s)
Website with more information on dog regulations and best practices: Parks and Rec, Dog Policies
Permit Information:
Permits are required for
Amplified music or presentations
Special events or assemblies
Website for permit applications: http://www.phila.gov/ParksandRecreation/aboutus/Pages/PermitsandForms.aspx
The required lead time for a permit depends on the type of permit. Check the link provided above.